Legal Information

Privacy Policy

Personal Data Processing Policy

The Project RESISTANCE/University of Évora (Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th Centuries | Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 778076) is committed to protect and respect the users’ privacy on this website. With entry into effect on 25 May 2018, in all European Union Member States, of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, it is necessary to publish this Personal Data Treatment Policy, which is based on the Project RESISTANCE/UÉ commitment to respect the rules of personal data protection. The present Policy therefore establishes the basis on which any personal data obtained or provided by the respective holders are processed on this website. The term “personal data” as used in this Policy refers to certain information such as name, email address, address, telephone number or any other information that can be used to identify the data subject. To browse the public areas of this website it is not necessary to provide personal information.

Technical information

For the purposes of administration of this website, technical information is collected, namely the IP (Internet Protocol) address, pages visited and the browser used to view them. This collection is intended to diagnose problems, optimise access, analyse traffic and produce statistical indicators. This website includes links to other pages and platforms where personal information may be collected and we recommend that you check their privacy notices. Information security, privacy and the protection of website users’ personal data are a priority and are managed in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory standards.

Personal data

The personal data provided by the holder when filling in the forms existing on this website, are protected by the ACT No. 58/2019, and are strictly necessary to identify the user. All information will be used exclusively for the purposes expressed in the respective collection forms and will under no circumstances be made available for other purposes. Personal data may also be received via e-mail and will only be used to respond to your requests. The personal data requested are treated in accordance with the general rules in effect and the information collected may be accessed by the Project RESISTANCE/UÉ team within the scope of its functions. The processing is the responsibility of the Project Project RESISTANCE/UÉ team, which guarantees the respective confidentiality. The data subject shall also have the right to file complaints regarding non-compliance with the provisions on the protection and processing of personal data with the National Commission for Data Protection. For contacts regarding the use of your personal data, questions, complaints or suggestions, you may contact: Universidade de Évora | CIDEHUS Palácio do Vimioso - Largo do Marquês de Marialva, n.º 8 7000-809 Évora - Portugal Tel:(+351) 266 740 800 Email:

Communication and transfer of personal data

Personal data may be made available to the courts and other competent authorities, in strict compliance with the law, namely when necessary for the resolution of disputes and for activities concerning the protection of public safety, the defence and security of the State and the prevention, investigation or detection of criminal offences.

Purposes of collecting personal data

The personal data collected on this website are subject to processing in the following possible scopes: _Dissemination of the activities developed by Project RESISTANCE/UÉ, which includes the sending of Newsletters; _Creation of a partners’ network. Personal data may also be processed to respond to questions, suggestions or complaints submitted by the data subject.

Rights of the personal data subjects

Under the terms and for the purposes of the provisions of Articles 13 to 22 of the GDPR, the Project RESISTANCE/UÉ informs that any data in its possession may be consulted, limited in their treatment, rectified (by inaccuracy or incompleteness) by the respective holder and, in the event that the treatment was based on consent, the holder is also entitled to request the erasure of data whose treatment does not fit one of the situations of lawfulness provided for in Article 6, paragraph 1, points b) to f) of the GDPR. The Project RESISTANCE/UÉ further informs that, in cases where processing is subject to consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the previously given consent.

The data subject shall also have the right to object to the further processing of their personal data, to be informed, on request, of the purposes of the processing, the categories of data involved, the identity of the recipients to whom they have been disclosed and the period for which their personal data will be stored, and to receive the personal data concerning them which they have provided and have sent to another processing controller (“data portability”).

Storage of personal data

The period of time for which personal data is stored and retained varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed. The Project RESISTANCE/UÉ keeps personal data only for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were provided or to fulfil any contractual or legal obligations to which it is bound.

Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data shall be kept only for the minimum period necessary for the pursuit of the purposes that motivated their collection or their subsequent processing, under the terms defined by law.

Amendments to this policy

The Project RESISTANCE/UÉ reserves the right, at any time, to make adjustments or changes to this Personal Data Treatment Policy, publishing such changes in the proper means of dissemination.

Terms and conditions

Use – General Conditions

This website is property of the Project RESISTANCE/University of Évora (Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th Centuries | Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 778076), and its administration is the responsibility of its team. The information contained in this website is intended to disseminate information of an institutional nature and within the scope of the mission and purposes of Project RESISTANCE/UÉ.

Staying on the website demonstrates acceptance of terms and conditions, so if you do not agree with these you should immediately cease browsing.

The Project RESISTANCE/UÉ reserves the right to alter, at any time, the terms and conditions of use of the website, and therefore, whenever you access it, you should consult these terms and conditions in advance.


All the contents provided on the website are responsibility of Project RESISTANCE/UÉ. The information contained therein is Project RESISTANCE/UÉ property and may not be reproduced or modified without prior authorisation, except for teaching or research purposes or for personal and lawful use, in which case the ownership and origin of the same shall be indicated. This website is governed by the relevant legislation, namely the Copyright and Related Rights Code and the Industrial Property Code, and the user is authorised to make any use within the terms of the aforementioned law.

Use of the website for illegal purposes or for purposes that may be deemed unworthy of Project RESISTANCE/UÉ image is expressly prohibited.

Usurpation, counterfeiting, taking advantage of usurped or counterfeit content, illegitimate identification and unfair competition are criminally punishable.

Project RESISTANCE/UÉ reserves the right to take legal action against the authors of any copy, reproduction or other unauthorised use of the content of the website by third parties.

Project RESISTANCE/UÉ shall not be liable for the content of the pages to which the links or hyperlinks contained on the website refer. The Copyright and Related Rights of the portals and of the contents of third party portals (links) belong exclusively to the owners of these portals, the authors of the texts, or to whoever is stipulated in the respective rules of use.

Project RESISTANCE/UÉ reserves the right to change, delete or add any information in the content of the website without prior notice.

Project RESISTANCE/UÉ considers that participation in social networks is a way of promoting interactions between the Project RESISTANCE/UÉ community and the publics with which it shares interests. However, Project RESISTANCE/UÉ is not responsible for the contents disseminated there, which are the exclusive responsibility of the promoters.

Image copyright

The images in this website are property of Project RESISTANCE/UÉ, and cannot be reproduced or modified without prior authorisation.

Exclusion of Liability

Project RESISTANCE/UÉ shall make every effort to ensure that the information and facts contained in the website are, among those available, the best and most relevant. However, it does not give any guarantee, explicit or implicit, that the information on the website is always updated, and does not assume any responsibility for the consequences, direct and/or indirect, arising from the use of the information provided. Project RESISTANCE/UÉ would be grateful if users would inform it whenever they find outdated data on the website, so that these can be adjusted.

Interpretation and jurisdiction

The interpretation of these terms and conditions of use, as well as the resolution of any disputes arising within the scope of the website shall be governed exclusively by Portuguese law and courts.